Keep in mind that all of these beliefs are based off my personal experience with a mixed group of children from age 3 through 6.
I believe...
in arts not crafts. Though crafts have occasionally made their way into my room.
free play should be truly free.
students should be able to learn at their own pace.
students should never feel inferior or superior to each other based on abilities. (This means praising the work of the student compared only to their previous efforts.)
students need literature everyday.
books without pictures should be introduced at a young age.
young children benefit more from a wide platform of learning, rather than a deep one (that comes later, after they have dabbled in many things).
songs are a foundation of literacy.
in working towards high expectations, not lowering the bar.
in big words.
that mistakes shouldn't make us sad.
in waiting a long time for the student to compose their answer.
I believe in glitter! and hugs!