Saturday, May 11, 2013

What it says on the can...

Well, I got a job! Ever since being offered a job in Kaktovik, Alaska, I've been bombarded with questions! (It's okay everyone, I would do the same thing.) So here is the first post of the blog I promised a few of you. Eventually I'll post life updates, pictures, and teaching insights. But to get the ball rolling I'm going to answer some of your questions. And because I'm bored I'm using Disney GIFs.

Popular question number 1: Why Alaska?
Here is the face most people make when I tell them I'm going to teach in Alaska:

It's happy, but sort of surprised and confused and the same time.
For anyone who has known me for a while, they've known that the pipe dream since I got truly interested in education has been to go to rural Alaska. Well, I researched for two years and weighed every possibility. What finally drew me was the fact that it was an amazing multi-cultural experience and adventure that is unlike that anywhere else in the world!

Popular question number 2: Kaktovik?
Yes, that one word is pretty much what everyone follows up with when I tell them the name of the village. Kaktovik is really far north, about as far north as you can go without leaving the U.S. In fact it is the 6th northernmost 'city' in the U.S.
And here is everyone's reaction:

Popular question number 3: How big is Kaktovik?

According to Wikipedia there are fewer than 300 residents in Kaktovik, and I'm taking their word for it. Here is a snapshot of the village if you don't believe Wikipedia.

Here is a link to the blog where I found that photo.

Popular question number 4: How did you interview for that?
Most of the talking was done on the phone. Although the first interview was in person at a job fair.

Popular question number 5: Well, how big is the school?
Harold Kavelook has more than 60 students. Which doesn't sound like a lot until you consider the fact that the village has less than 300.

Popular question number 6: Aren't you worried about polar bears?
When people ask me this I try to brush off their question much like Robin Hood here.

Even though, on the inside, I'm pretty sure the first time I see a polar bear is going to go down something like this:
Popular question number 7: Aren't you nervous about going so far away to teach?
Of course I am! But I'm a first-year teacher, I'm going to be nervous no matter where I go.
Right now though I have every opportunity to do exciting things like moving to the arctic that may not be possible years down the road.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!