Saturday, August 31, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

I haven't posted in so long! Sorry all. But with school officially started (including my littles) I haven't found too much time. Hopefully we'll get internet at the house eventually, 'til then when the day is over I don't want to hang around and update my blog. :)

First a few pictures of my classroom. this isn't my ideal set-up but I had to work with the furniture I had, many people comment on how open it is in here. But something else that helps is I got rid of several big pieces of furniture. Since Kindergarten is no longer in here we don't really need some of the stuff.

Art area, will get lots of use I'm sure.

We have a bit of a wild theme in the classroom.

The bulletin board that I have decided to devote to all things nerdy since it is hidden away.

Every time they read ten books they get a husky with their name on it.

I am very proud of the calendar I made.

My Inupiaq alphabet and number line (1-20).

Classroom panorama.

We also celebrated a co-workers birthday. He made a chocolate, bacon, coconut, cayenne pepper cake for us. It sounds bad, but actually tasted pretty good. (I would have left out coconut myself.)

Then later in the week we had bears a plenty, bears galore. We have been making excursions to see them and were rewarded with some great pictures!

Sorry about the photo dump!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Picture Update...

Here are some of the pictures I took during my time in Barrow. I know, I've been back a week but I have been working really hard on my classroom! (Pictures of that soon!!!)

Morning we left Kaktovik, picture from the airport.



Our plane is coming in! When you have a flight you just wait out by the runway.


Here is our plane, first stop: Deadhorse!

I'm sitting by the propeller.

The beautiful Deadhorse Airport.

Walking around during our layover, without all the pesky checkpoints found in larger airports we can come and go as we please!



For the next flight I was in the very front so I could look at what the pilots were doing.


When we were landing all you could see through the windshield was ground, doesn't show in the picture though...

We got there just in time for a community potluck, I was even brave enough to try a little of the seal. (It is fishier than fish!)


Some beautiful flowers picked by Barrow children.


One day the new hires got to take a trip to the Inupiat Heritage Center.

These posts made from whale bones are a common sight in Barrow.

First signpost.

Just in case you needed to know how far it is to London.

Second Barrow signpost, most of the choices on it were very random though.


The Arctic Ocean!

Our principal's dog: Kona.



The second place I stayed for the week had this awesome staircase!

And I could see the ocean from the bed...
Then my phone died and I took no more pictures in Barrow. But back in Kaktovik I got some great pictures when Deb, Ann, and myself walked out to the lake.


The land is swampy all the way there, my feet were soaked by the end of our walk.

It's a pretty big lake, and where all the drinking water comes from.


These fences everywhere are to catch blowing snow so it drifts outside of town.

Another picture of the school.


One of my treasures, every time I walk to the beach I end up dragging something back with me, last time it was this... er... seal flipper? I'm not sure.

My collection!

The snow fence is falling down... This is where the tundra tried to eat my boots!