Friday, July 26, 2013

Kaktovik: Day One

Hello again! This time from Kaktovik! I already feel so comfortable in this town, it is really wonderful. I just thought I’d share some pictures with you now – my apartment is only partially set up in these pictures but I think you understand. I also keep finding fun leftovers from the previous tenants. Including an entire set of dishes, several blankets, a microwave, a Rosetta Stone software. Anyway, here’s the photo dump.
On my first Alaska flight (Fairbanks to Deadhorse) there were about twenty passengers with three ladies. On my flight to Kaktovik it was just us three ladies, one of whom is the Kindergarten - 2nd grade teacher. The flight to Kaktovik was one of the most amazing flights ever.

Flying over Alaska, no clue where though.

First glimpse of Barter Island.

And in no particular order: My closet, bedroom, kitchen, and living/ dining rooms.

View out living room window. Beufort Sea visible in background. 
A Skidoo someone left in front of our house, and a picture I took at midnight!

All the teacher houses are connected to each other and the school via a boardwalk.


And last but not least: my groceries. Stare in awe and amazement at just how powdery they are. No, you don't need to check your eyes I have powdered butter and milk, as well as beef and chicken substitutes. Yummy.

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